Can human be immortal?. Every human in this world want to live forever. He always wants to know the mystery about universe.
If it is possible to live forever, if so then how and if not then why?
First we will find that why human body gets old?. Answer to this question according to science is, every human being have genes on their chromosomes that are responsible for their growth. These chromosomes contain the whole information about the formation of human body. This information is inherited from our parents. A cap present on the ends of chromosomes called telomeres helps to protects the chromosomes and also responsible for the growth of human body and genetically inherited diseases.
when our cell regrowth the chromosomes duplicate themselves and this process continues throughout the life. As cells grow again and again the protecting cap present on chromosomes also duplicate and the stage is reached when the cap telomere is not able to duplicate or become disappeared completely which results in incomplete regrowth of cells that causes old age problems like wrinkles on face, weak bones .etc.
Hence, we come to conclusion that in order to control the old age we first have to control the growth of telomeres.
Scientists tried to do experiments on the regrowth of telomeres on mouse and fly chromosomes and they are near to develop them. They successfully increase the age of mouse and fly to many years. But they are unable to do that experiments on human bodies because their chromosomes and its structures are much more complicated than animals. Also increasing human age is effected by hundred’s others factors which we can’t deal with. So, we come to conclusion that it is impossible for scientists to increase the human age.
Scientists observe that age depends on good health and medical science. That’s why today’s highest average age of humans is in Japan and Canada that is close to 115 years.
Muslims from their Islamic history know that people in the past have age near to 1000 years and more. As we know that Hazrat Adam lived 1000 years of their life. As time passes the age of humans decreases like Hazrat Nooh lived 950 years and so on. Our Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) lived 65 years like the humans of today.
Hence, Science is unable to change the chromosomes of human beings. So, they can’t control human’s age.
Most of the scientists believes that until 2050 humans can be immortal but not physically. They can achieve this through advanced medical machines like robots.
Our science is so much developed that it can download the memories of human mind through the computer and store it as a data in computer. Afterward this data can be uploaded on human machine like robot.
This interesting experiment is done by scientists in 2014 on round worm. They scan the mind of round worm and upload it on robot that start acting like round worm. So, this works.
Afterward, The American Allen institute scientist do the same experiment on mouse. He scan the mind of mouse and upload it on robot. To achieve this he make 2500 pieces of his minds memory. Every piece is smaller then 40 nanometer. So if we compare this to human brain we again become speechless. We can’t scan human mind, if we tried to do so.. It takes hundred’s of years and also our technology is not so developed yet.
If we imagine, that it would become possible in future years. Then what would happen with your emotions and soul?. would they become downloaded along with our memories?.
Actually this is all unpalatable. We all Muslims know that it would not happen. As Allah said in Sura Imran
كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَائِقَةُ الْمَوْتِ
“Every soul shall have a taste of death”
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