Tricky short Questions/Answers related to Electromagnetism
Question #01 A plane conducting loop is located in a uniform magnetic field that is directed along the x- axis. For what orientation of the loop is flux a maximum? For what orientation is the flux a minimum? Answer: When plane of loop is placed perpendicular to the...
Prove that scalar product of two vectors is commutative.
Since A . B = AB cos theta -------> 1 & B . A = BA cos theta Here A and B are two vectors and Theta is the angle between them. As AB = BA (being magnitude) thus B . A = AB cos theta ------> 2 Comparing eq 1 and 2 we get A .B = B . A
Determine the charge to mass ratio (e/m) of an electron.
Consider a narrow beam of electrons moving with a constant velocity V is projected at right angle to a known uniform magnetic field B directed into plane of paper then magnetic force on an electron will be F = -e (V x B) ----> 1 The direction of force will be...
How will you find out the resultant vector by any number of coplanor vectors?
Consider any coplaner vectors A, B, C, .... The vector addition of these vectors by rectangular components consist of the following steps. Find the x- and y-components of all the vectors. Find the x-component of resultant vector(R) by adding x-components of all the...
Answers of some tricky Physics questions.
Question # 01 Why do we wear seat belt? Answer: When a moving car stops quickly,the passengers move forward towards the windshield. Seat belts changes the forces of motion and prevent the passengers from moving. So, the chance of injury reduced. Question # 02 Why do...
Show that the addition of two vectors is commutative.
A+B = B+A Consider two vectors A and B as shown in figure. According to head to tail rule, the resultant vector of A and B is: R = A+B If order of two vectors is changed then their resultant vector by head to tail rule is as under. R = B+A So, from both equations we...