Tricky short Questions/Answers related to Electromagnetism

Question #01 A plane conducting loop is located in a uniform magnetic field that is directed along the x- axis. For what orientation of the loop is flux a maximum? For what orientation is the flux a minimum? Answer: When plane of loop is placed perpendicular to the...

Prove that scalar product of two vectors is commutative.

Since A . B = AB cos theta -------> 1 &  B . A = BA cos theta  Here A and B are two vectors and Theta is the angle between them. As AB = BA (being magnitude) thus B . A = AB cos theta ------> 2 Comparing eq 1 and 2 we get A .B = B . A

Determine the charge to mass ratio (e/m) of an electron.

Consider a narrow beam of electrons moving with a constant velocity V is projected at right  angle to a known uniform magnetic field B directed into plane of paper then magnetic force on an electron will be F = -e (V x B) ----> 1  The direction of force will be...

Answers of some tricky Physics questions.

Question # 01 Why do we wear seat belt? Answer: When a moving car stops quickly,the passengers move forward towards the windshield. Seat belts changes the forces of motion and prevent the passengers from moving. So, the chance of injury reduced. Question # 02 Why do...

Show that the addition of two vectors is commutative.

A+B = B+A Consider two vectors A and B as shown in figure. According to head to tail rule, the resultant vector of A and B is: R = A+B If order of two vectors is changed then their resultant vector by head to tail rule is as under. R = B+A So, from both equations we...