What is Gheebah?

The Prophet (S.A.W) explained the meaning of Gheebah in his saying,

أتدرون ما الغِيبة؟

“Do you know what Al-Gheebah is?”

They said , “Allah and His Messenger know best.” He said,

ذكرك أخاك بما يكره

“Your mentioning your brother with what he hates.”

It was asked, “What if that which I say is (really) in my brother?” He said.

إن كان فيه ما تقول فقد اغتبته، وإن لم يكن فيه فقد بهَتَّه

“If he (really) has in him what you say, you will be committing Gheebah against him, and if what you say is not (really) in him, you will be slandering him.”

Therefore, ‘Gheebah’ means to mention someone in his absence by an attribute or a characteristic that he has, which if he was present. he would hate. However, if the absent person is not as he was described, then this is called Buhtaan, meaning, lies and falsehood, which is worse than Gheebah.

Now, its time to clear the confusions about Gheebah…

There are many matters that are thought  not to be Gheebah, but actually are Gheebah. Like A person may mention something about his brother that he would dislike, and then, when someone forbids him from doing so, says, “I am ready to say it in front of him(in his presence).” However, this is rejected from different angles. Among them are the following: Verily you mentioned him behind his back in a manner that he would not like. This is Gheebah. Being prepared to mention speak before him has not evidence concerning it that makes it lawful to backbite him. 

The person saying, “Some people do such and such or some of the Figh scholars(do such and such),” when the person being spoken to understands exactly who is being talked about. Thus, the speaker does this to make it understood who is meant (without saying it directly).

Maybe a person will be asked about the condition of his brother, so he replies, “May Allah correct us, may Allah forgive us, we ask Allah for security.” and similar statements that give a suggestion of his deficiency. likewise is the saying, “so-and-so is being tested with such and such, or we all do this.”

The person’s saying, “This is a child so it is permissible to backbite him.” This statement is strange and we request the evidence that proves its permissibility. 

Being lax regarding backbiting the sinner, as it is not unrestrictedly correct. For it is not permissible to backbite everyone who falls into an act of disobedience. If this were the case, it would be permissible to backbite all of the Muslims, for there is no believer except that he has a sin.

The person’s saying, “respected sir”, and statements when the intent is to degrade him and he, himself, would not like for that to be said about him.

The guiding principle regarding all of this is the Prophet’s statement,

ذكرك أخاك بما يكره

“Your mentioning your brother with what he dislike.”